Construction of ECD Blocks at Chewumba and Kanywambizi Primary School

Construction works taking place at Chewumba and Kanywambizi pry schools. We have reached this far through collaborations with Hwange Rural District Council and School Development Committees who have contributed bricks, river-sand and labor respectively.

27500251_829152193952550_4672702778266594522_o Our role is coordination and providing such materials which local authorities could not provide i.e cement, brick-force, window/door frames, roof and other such materials which are not locally available.


HIV/AIDS low rope educational session in commemoration of World AIDS Day.


Member of  the Zimbabwe Hwange Republic Police Victim Friendly Unit (VFU) participate during the low rope course challenge

Last week we had the privilege to host over 30 Hwange District HIV/AIDS service organizations, key players and stakeholders at our Sizinda Centre for a full day HIV/AIDS low rope educational session in commemoration of World AIDS Day. Great strides towards closing the tap of new HIV infections and reaching the 90-90-90 goals.

Kiddies Life-Skills Development and Exposure Program

21125446_752281434972960_1093591278259154273_o The kiddies life-skills development and exposure program ends on a good note today as 20 of the girls and boys toured The Zambezi Explorer in Victoria Falls. It was an amazing experience seeing how much joy the children had and passion some of they carried away from the event.

21199717_752281511639619_7665234351606197004_o Special thanks goes to Michelle Gapara the Founder of Bella Bright Enterprises for organizing this holiday life-skills program and The Zambezi Explorer for hosting the children.
#zvakarongeka #togetherwecanmakeadifference